Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Denver Tea Party

The first thing I want to say, is that they said you would not come.
We had only five days to get the word out; and out it was! This all started with me being curious. Curious as I am, I jumped in on a TCOT conference call which I saw advertised on twitter. I listened carefully to hear if there was one in Denver. After 45 minutes or so, no Denver. Finally I spoke up, “We need one in Denver!” "They seemed baffled, Tea Party in Denver? Well ok, although it might be tough". They gave me the minimum number of fifty people. Thinking to myself what a low goal fifty was, but all right. There must be more than fifty outraged, but determined, Colorado residents ready to sacrifice some time for their country, and their beliefs.

I put a message out on Twitter. One response was from @CristaHuff, “We are having a tea party at my house” and she graciously invited me. Very neat to be invited to someone’s home who you do not know. After much conversation in 140 characters at a time, suddenly I knew and respected her life, beliefs and, well, her.

The next day I was asked to post a facebook event page. I knew very little about facebook so I googled it. In a few minutes I had a free facebook account. Within fifteen minutes the event was posted. Within an hour we had four guests. On the next conference call I was informed that there were indeed some outraged and determined Americans in Colorado. Before I had learned about more about face book Vikki Waln and her husband had started a face book event. We chatted through the internet, email and facebook and decided to collaborate.

The event. My first help came from @still_stacy, “What help do you need?” She jumped on the phone started working on a permit for the capitol. Soon with the efforts of Stacy and @angelavcampbell we secured a permit. People were emailing, tweeting, re-tweeting and sending messages across the net. @rfburnhertz volunteered to bring the podium, the table, the much needed microphone and the TCOT sign up sheets. We were working on flags, signs, speakers and making plans for the event. Within a few days we had a plan, we had people, we were ready. It grew from the internet to the streets to the workplace, resonating throughout our state. People responded. Most areas of the state were represented. I am also proud that many from CD7 were able to come.

The Denver Tea Party occurred on the steps of the state capitol. The agenda was as follows:

9:00 am - 10:00 am Setup and speaker meet & greet
10:00 am Pledge of Allegiance
10:05 am National Anthem - sung by Jenny Hatch1
0:15 am @RobMcNealey - "The Twitter Gangster"
10:30 am @BrianTCampbell Candidate to US House CD7
10:40 am Keith Peterson (@rfburnhertz) TCOT/Personal Views
11:50 am Jon Caldera speaking
11:15 am Closing announcements

We arrived at 9 am. One man arrived and said, “Is this the tea party?” Soon another man, who we later found out was from Pueblo was keeping his distance, soon five more arrived, then ten more, still not crowded at 9:45, maybe twenty or so.Then it started to brew fifty then a hundred; by the time we were saying the Pledge of Allegiance over 100 people were lined up signing tea bags to send to our congressmen who voted in favor of the stimulus packages. We started promptly at 10am. I lead the patriotic crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by The National Anthem sung by Jenny Hatch. Outstanding! The whole crowd joined in. It was truly awesome.

@RobMcNealy and Jon Caldera gave knowledgeable and outstanding speeches. Keith Peterson explained TCOT and shared his wisdom of the current economic problems. From all of the speeches you could tell that these people care about their country, their neighbors, the Constitution and your freedom. To have these men and women show up during their busy weekday to bring their wonderful insights, we should all be grateful. There were also a few impromptu speeches. One was by the new group who will audit congress.

We ended the official part of the event by asking everyone to turn to their left and right to meet their new teammates in the fight to preserve our freedom and what the constitution stands for. We asked them to exchange ideas, phone numbers and to become friends. This was the best part of the event. A crowd of over 200 like minded and determined Americans ready to take this movement to the next level, I was fortunate to meet so many. I have not even come close to being able to articulate the complete scene.

This was a wonderful event and the movement is just beginning! Thousands would have been drawn in if the event were held on a weekend. I have received emails from hundreds who expressed their outrage as to what our government is doing and the frustration that they were not able to attend. The next event, and it will happen soon, will be on a weekend where you will all have the opportunity to join us in the fight to preserve our freedom, to bring our nation back to greatness, to force our elected officials to listen and to act on our will. We will remain peaceful but energized and determined to uphold the constitution of our Great Nation. I say it loud and proud, “God Bless America and every one of us. We are not done we have just begun.”
As I write, I remember more people who were vital to the success of this event. If I did not mention you by name, thank you so very much for your help in creating a place for so many to start a coalition that will make our state and our country a better place.

Brian T Campbell, Sr.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I just wanted to see for myself

I just wanted to see for myself. I started the day going to the Denver Museum of Science and History to feel out the support for the stimulus signing. I am not sure what I expected but what I saw was about a hundred people standing outside the building, and that is a very generous count. About 30 or so had something for sale: hats, flags, pictures, etc. (Not Actual Support) We then headed for the capitol. I took my wife and three of our five children on a historical tour of the Colorado State Capitol. It is such an awesome view from the dome. We exited, and on the West side found hundreds of people (perhaps five hundred or so) sharing in pulled pork on the capitol steps in protest to the stimulus signing.
Now, I think that in a society such as ours, the voice of the people should be heard and honored. What I witnessed was our leadership, and much of the press, ignoring the voice of the people. One hundred in favor, five hundred in opposition. Freedom in America is under attack. The voices of our people have been stifled.
How will we repay this debt? When the money from the stimulus runs out, how do we keep these programs going? The only answer is to raise taxes and crush the economy all over again when the debt comes due.
Let’s do some math:
Consider 1,000,000 defaulted mortgages at a high average of $200,000 each. The total defaulted value becomes $200,000,000,000 ($200 Billion) That’s 1/5 of $1 Trillion. We have already spent at least $2 Trillion thus far on bailouts (approved by the Democrat run Congress beginning in the Spring 2008) to repair the economic failure attributed to the ’Foreclosure Crisis.’ Now Obama’s next step is to dump another Fifty Billion dollars to stave off foreclosures. Could we not have simply paid off these mortgages twice over in the first place? Meanwhile the entire world is on the brink of bankruptcy, all attributable to 1 million bad mortgages? Hogwash!
I have a 50 Year Plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil while utilizing American sources, in the process moving into the future with clean energy and infrastructure bringing our country and our state out of this recession/depression sooner than other nations. See my blog ‘Recession and the Democrat Dis-Connect.’

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Platform of Brian Thomas Campbell, Sr.

"A Plan For the Future"

Freedom from Overseas Oil, Adopt Clean New Energy Sources

Drilling Throughout the West, the Continental Shelf and in Alaska

We Must Create a 50 Year Plan to Install Infrastructure In Order To Reduce Demand for Fossil Fuels Creating a Smooth Transition Into Clean Energy Sources, Avoiding the Boom/Bust Cycle Experienced In So Many Areas, Such As Colorado, Where Energy Could Be A Major Income Source Within the Economy

Utilize Natural Gas Resources

Support Agricultural Communities by Presenting Opportunities to Diversify Using Clean Energy Sources As a Viable Source of "Backup Income" and Investment

National Security

Promote our Nation's Defense and Border Security

Immigration Enforcement - Protect Our Borders - Adequate Protection from Foreign Threats

Provide Adequately for the Men and Women in the Armed Services

Promote Human Rights – Strengthen Relations Abroad

Increased Accuracy in Intelligence

Protect Second Amendment Rights


Tax Policy - Lower Taxes – More Individual Fiscal Responsibility
Eliminate the Marriage Penalty

Encourage Small and Micro Businesses - They are the Backbone of the Economy – Major Job Creators, Proven to Be the Best Innovators and More Fiscally Responsible Than Large Corporations

Technology and Innovation Are Necessary to Move Forward and Stay Ahead of the Game in the Global Economy

Return Manufacturing to America

Work With the Small Business Administration in Lending to Innovative and Smart Businesses – Reward Innovation

Promote A Free Market and Equal Trade - Reduce the Trade Deficit

Continue to Develop a Flexible and Innovative Workforce – Encourage and Reward Creativity

Penalize Companies Who Ship Our Jobs Overseas and Who Hire Illegal Entrants

Immigrants Must Enter America Lawfully and Assimilate

More Transparency in Government – Hold Officials Accountable for Their Actions


Promote Early Childhood Literacy and Language Skills

Eliminate the No Child Left Behind Provisions – Teach Effectively - Do Not Teach To a Test

Promote High Tech Education and Engineering to Become An Innovative World Leader Again

Higher Education – Advancing Education Opportunities For all Citizens

Promote Increased Salaries for Teachers in Order to Retain Quality Teachers

Government Reform

Stop the Exponential Expansion of Government Programs

Streamline the Budget Process

Improved Oversight and Transparency

Run a More Efficient, Cost Effective Government

Improve Disaster Response – e.g. Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Wild Fires

Fairness in Elections – Protecting the Right to Vote – Ensure All Votes are Counted and Valid

Entitlement Reform – Help all Americans Become Self-Supportive, Not Reliant on Government Handouts

Remove Excess Spending on Pet Projects From All Legislation

Pass a Federal Balanced Budget Act


Promote the Concept of Marriage

Safeguard Religious Liberties for All Americans

Protect Property Rights – Oppose Imminent Domain

Preserve the Right to Assemble

Support Native American Communities and Civil Rights for ALL Americans

Adhere to the Bill of Rights

Health Care

Medicare/Medicaid Reform - Streamline the Process to Avoid Wasteful Spending; Improve Quality of Care

Support Parental Consent Requirements

Promote Abstinence

Maintain the Sanctity and Dignity of All Human Life

Improving Infrastructure

Increase Infrastructure for New Energy Sources

Improve Our Highway Systems

Modernize Our Power Grid

R&D for Wind Power, Hydro Power, Solar Power, Geothermal Power and Sources Not Yet Invented

Make Projects Self Supportive

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Recession and the Democrat Dis-Connect

I watched a hard working neighbor lose their car today. I see families losing their homes. All the while the majority leadership of our nation wastes tax dollars bailing out the companies who lay off hard working men and women! They call it reorganization. My friends, this stimulus heist must end!

This is the largest heist of wealth in American history. TAX CUTS will stimulate the economy. The provisions in the current economic stimulus bill before our senate include items which belong in budgets, not stimulus. Listen, there are many things we can do (and I can not believe I am going to say this, but) John McCain’s idea of cutting taxes for a calendar year would do more to stimulate the economy than borrowing trillions from China. Nevertheless I believe we should allow projects to pay for themselves rather than borrowing money.

Let me share with you just one of my idea’s. Bounce it off your brain...

Democrats say they want freedom from overseas oil and that we should develop new energy sources to keep the planet clean; sounds great. But where will the money come from? How do we get people working now? It took fifty years to have gas stations and highways throughout these United States. Currently, equipment runs on oil, so it would be fair to say that no matter what, we’ll still need oil for decades.

I propose that we open up oil drilling throughout the West, along the Continental Shelf and in Alaska. If you don’t know it already, oil can be drilled very cleanly without destroying the environment.

The oil companies will put millions of Americans to work immediately. This will create taxes paid to the states by the oil companies and create payroll taxes from the millions of employed Americans. When these taxes begin flowing in we shall use the tax receipts to invest in hydro-power, windmills, solar, research and development, etc. Now that’s a lot of jobs, right?

As we become more independent from oil, we shall retrain and educate oil worker's to become proficient in operation and maintenance of new power sources. All will be paid for by private industry and not one extra penny from tax payers. (AND NO DEBT!)

The Democrats are ridiculously trying to stifle drilling of our own oil. They must be in with foreign interests. We send billions and billions of our hard earned dollars to overseas oil interests. I have passed this idea before citizens within my district. Not one said, “I would not like to make the dollars that we send to overseas suppliers.” Some said that this ‘sounds like a good long term solution for our energy and labor needs.’

This seems so simple to me. How do the Democrats think we will pay for all of this? I have heard no talk about how we will pay back the debt from the stimuli. The only conceivable result will be higher taxes and more government control of private industry. Within fifty years we will use approximately 25% or less of the oil we use now. In addition, we will have turned low tech oil riggers into high tech clean energy workers.

Let’s stop the bail out and enact my plan, send this proposal to Congressmen, Senators and State Legislators. If we enact my plan America will come out of recession sooner than other depressed nations. This will also stimulate every aspect of our economy. From secretary to CEO there will be jobs for everyone!

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Brian Thomas Campbell, Sr. your servent

Follow me at

Monday, February 2, 2009

Stop the Insanity/The American Dream

What is a free market society? Well, let me tell you. A free market society is a system of great ideas turned into great plans. Great plans are turned into great businesses, which in turn generate money. A quality business then pays taxes, hires employees, makes purchases, buys office supplies, contributes to charitable organizations, and buy new cars and other equipment, etc., etc., etc! That is free market. Some FAIL some PROSPER!

If every business that fails gets a bail-out why should they try so hard to achieve the American dream? In the early American Colonies, socialism was attempted. It was successful until people found out that they did not have to work hard to share in the wealth. I believe that
it is possible to come back from business failure; with creativity and hard work, it can be done.
Why is our Federal government choosing who will fail and who receives our tax dollars to keep going. What about the thriving business who was flourishing until their consumers began losing their jobs. The 401K's, IRA's, and other investments of their customer base started losing 1%, then 2%, then 5% and more. They had a good plan, a good product, but nevertheless, the business failed. If companies are creative and work hard they will be back. It is said that it took many tries to make the light bulb incorrectly and only one try to make it right. Failing is a fundamental part of the American dream, like it or not. It is not fair to bail out
some organizations while the rest are considered bad performers and are not eligible for these handouts.

However, the ones being bailed out are also in the same dire situation. (Why are they?) These bailouts must STOP now. If we want to repair the economy and Federal government is hell bent on stimulating the economy, then I propose that we close the bad banks, no more money! Start fresh banks with some sort of LOAN, not a HAND OUT! Assist the Small Business Association in lending innovative, smart businesses money. (REWARD INOVATION) FIX our highway systems. Start work on the POWER GRID, wind power, water power, drill oil on the continental shelf and in Alaska.

America needs to be more self contained. I believe these innovations will create more jobs and wealth in America than during any other time in history. People will be back to work. Penalize companies that ship our jobs over seas and hire illegal entrants. (There is no such thing as illegal immigrants, they are trespassing, taking jobs from nationals of our country and shipping our wealth to their home lands.) Stop selling out our homeland and make immigrants enter America properly. That alone will create millions of jobs. I say come to America properly, participate in our system and assimilate, or go home. That is the method of achieving the American dream which our country was built on.

Brian Thomas Campbell Sr, your servant

Sunday, February 1, 2009

To the American people

To the American people:

Our land, our values, our beliefs and our money have
been under attack. Let what was old be new once
again. Our freedom of speech shall not be stiffled. Our
courage must be true, our strength must be constant,
our liberties must not be chalenged.

SUCCESS! Lets get the word out that the GOP is
STRONGER THAN EVER! We cannot waiver on our
core issues. We must be steadfast, never backing down
from what we believe, never taking no as the answer. I
need your help, you my help. Together we can take back

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Brian T
Campbell Sr. I am forty years old. I have a wonderful
and most loyal wife of fourteen years and together we
have five children. I have served as a finance comittee
member overseeing a multimillion dollar budget. I
served on the governing board of my church. I have been
involved with many community organizations and have
served on the Annual Thanksgiving Feeding board with
Mustard Seed Ministries. I was involved in the organizing
of festivals, parades and other community events. Thus
far most of my activities have centered around our
community. I believe that I can now serve a higher
purpose nationaly.

I hereby offer myself to the GOP for consideration for
nomination to public office. We are currently lacking
in local and national representaion (GOP) in our area. My
people, let us stand for what is RIGHT! I challenge you
to contact your congressmen and senators, localy and
nationaly. Let us stop this bailout/stimulus pork! Do not
waiver until we get the tax cuts we need to jump start this
nation. It is not going to be easy. It will take all of us to achieve the
goals of the GOP for the American people.

Brian T Campbell Sr., your servant