Thursday, February 5, 2009

Recession and the Democrat Dis-Connect

I watched a hard working neighbor lose their car today. I see families losing their homes. All the while the majority leadership of our nation wastes tax dollars bailing out the companies who lay off hard working men and women! They call it reorganization. My friends, this stimulus heist must end!

This is the largest heist of wealth in American history. TAX CUTS will stimulate the economy. The provisions in the current economic stimulus bill before our senate include items which belong in budgets, not stimulus. Listen, there are many things we can do (and I can not believe I am going to say this, but) John McCain’s idea of cutting taxes for a calendar year would do more to stimulate the economy than borrowing trillions from China. Nevertheless I believe we should allow projects to pay for themselves rather than borrowing money.

Let me share with you just one of my idea’s. Bounce it off your brain...

Democrats say they want freedom from overseas oil and that we should develop new energy sources to keep the planet clean; sounds great. But where will the money come from? How do we get people working now? It took fifty years to have gas stations and highways throughout these United States. Currently, equipment runs on oil, so it would be fair to say that no matter what, we’ll still need oil for decades.

I propose that we open up oil drilling throughout the West, along the Continental Shelf and in Alaska. If you don’t know it already, oil can be drilled very cleanly without destroying the environment.

The oil companies will put millions of Americans to work immediately. This will create taxes paid to the states by the oil companies and create payroll taxes from the millions of employed Americans. When these taxes begin flowing in we shall use the tax receipts to invest in hydro-power, windmills, solar, research and development, etc. Now that’s a lot of jobs, right?

As we become more independent from oil, we shall retrain and educate oil worker's to become proficient in operation and maintenance of new power sources. All will be paid for by private industry and not one extra penny from tax payers. (AND NO DEBT!)

The Democrats are ridiculously trying to stifle drilling of our own oil. They must be in with foreign interests. We send billions and billions of our hard earned dollars to overseas oil interests. I have passed this idea before citizens within my district. Not one said, “I would not like to make the dollars that we send to overseas suppliers.” Some said that this ‘sounds like a good long term solution for our energy and labor needs.’

This seems so simple to me. How do the Democrats think we will pay for all of this? I have heard no talk about how we will pay back the debt from the stimuli. The only conceivable result will be higher taxes and more government control of private industry. Within fifty years we will use approximately 25% or less of the oil we use now. In addition, we will have turned low tech oil riggers into high tech clean energy workers.

Let’s stop the bail out and enact my plan, send this proposal to Congressmen, Senators and State Legislators. If we enact my plan America will come out of recession sooner than other depressed nations. This will also stimulate every aspect of our economy. From secretary to CEO there will be jobs for everyone!

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Brian Thomas Campbell, Sr. your servent

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1 comment:

  1. Great post! Especially on Abraham Lincoln's Birthday!

    'America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves' - Lincoln

    To think President Obama use his bible to swear in - he also said this:

    'Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties' - Lincoln
